Hide Or Hunt Plugin
Hide or Hunt is a competitive team-based gamemode where players are divided into teams. At the start, each team is given a beacon that they must hide within a grace period. The goal is to be the last team standing with an active beacon. Once placed, a beacon grants that team unlimited respawns, but if it's destroyed, the team loses their ability to respawn.
This plugin incorporates many togglable features to tailor how you want this gamemode to be played.
The features include (all available in the build-in GUI):
- Customisable starter kit
- Customisable respawn kit (only applies after grace)
- Custom beacon break noise
- Custom grace period time
- Custom team size
- toggle team commands
- Toggle autosmelt (smelts animal drops & ores)
- Toggle double ore drops
- Toggle PVP
- Toggle frozen
- Toggle only beacon crafting (if on, players can only craft from their beacon)
- Toggle scoreboard
- Toggle beacon elimination (if a beacon is broken all players from team die)
These are the rules we play by (obviously you can play the gamemode how you like)
- Beacons must be placed within grace period.
- Bases must have an enterance one block from the surface which leads directly to your base (no back doors)
- Bases cannot be made in caves. They must be accessible from ground level upward.
- Sky bases are not allowed.
- No ocean bases (rives/ponds allowed).
- There must be a 3x3 around your beacon (so players can spawn back in their bases)
- Use common sense
- No cheating
PLUGINS: Support java spigot/paper version 1.19 - 1.21.1
BUILDS: Support java version 1.20+
This product is for your personal use only.
Redistribution, decompiling, or reselling of products is strictly prohibited.